How Does It Work?

RTT® focuses on identifying how, where and when unhelpful beliefs and behaviours were formed. It then utilizes the leading scientific principles of neuroplasticity to enable the creation of new neural pathways in the mind.

The tools and techniques which form RTT® as a distinctive therapeutic approach are not purely theoretical. They were developed by renowned therapist and bestselling author Marisa Peer over the course of her 30-year career. Through hands-on experience, Marisa was able to establish what created real change, with real clients, in real sessions.

What Should I Expect From a Session?

I will help you reach a deeply relaxed state to enable you to focus on events you experience in the past. As the client, you will work alongside me to uncover the meaning and interpretation you created at the time and the beliefs you formed as a result. You can then move on to reframe the way you look at the past from your adult perspective today.

Once that has been achieved, I will assist you to create new, positive beliefs. This will be reinforced with a personalized audio for you to listen to for 21-30 days to establish beneficial change going forward. Mind learns by repetition!

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